Need To Know This Week

YOUR CLUB NEEDS YOU! Interclub Challenge 2024

Come and represent MGAC and shoot the Interclub Challenge!  Open to all archers, this is a Candian 900 shoot (3 distances, 90 arrows). The top 9 scores will form the MGAC team’s scores submitted to Archery NZ to go up against clubs from all around Aotearoa. 

Put the dates in your diary now: 5 & 20 October and 5 & 23 November.  You don’t have to shoot all four dates (but the more you can do, the better!). See more info – including distances – on the Archery NZ website here.

Have you re-joined yet?

We’re into the new membership year, so it’s time to get your new sparkly red membership card – all you need to do is re-sign and pay your fees for the new year. Just look for the renewal email, or go TidyHQ, and log in using the email address and password you used when you joined the club.

Once you have renewed, your card will be at the clubhouse the week following. My label maker is getting a good workout!  You’ll also receive a new code for the indoor range – note the current code will continue working til the end of the month (if you haven’t received your new code, fear not! We had a technical hitch earlier in the month, so will be re-sending it to all those who are yet to receive it.)

Matchplay Tournament – the Rockin’ Robin!

Hone your matchplay skills at the start of the summer season, with the Rockin’ Robin matchplay tournament at MGAC on 12 and 13 October.  The competition has three parts:
1. Ranking Round-Robin Matchplay
These provide rankings for the Elimination Rounds, derived from the highest number of wins. Drawn placings go to one arrow shoot-offs.
2. Elimination Rounds
Competitive knock-out matchplay. These will likely be from 1/4 Round (depending on archer numbers).
3. Finals Matches 
Gold Medal matches in “Finals Style”
Archers will shoot the Open Category distance for their bow type (Recurve 70m, Compound 50m, Barebow 50m). Younger archers are welcome to “shoot up.”
Enter now on ArcheryOSA

At The Club This Week

Saturday 14 September
9am – 10.30 Beginners’ Course (5 lanes)
1 – 3pm Club Shoot brought to you by keyholder Michael Hewlett

Sunday 15 September
9 – 10.30am Youth Line (12 lanes) – limited space for casual shooting – be there by 9am 
11 – 12.30 MAGS Line – (12 lanes) – limited space for casual shooting – be there by 11am 
1 – 2.30  Young Adults Development Group (3 lanes)

What’s On in The DiSTRICT

17 June-29 SeptIndoor League SeriesAll ClubsDetails on Archery OSA
14 SeptBarebow CrusadeRiver Glade (Hamilton)Details on Archery OSA
15 SeptNZFAA Bowhunter SeriesLakeview ArchersSee NZFAA website 
21/22 SeptArchery NZ Indoor Nationals – Auckand ClubsMGACRegister via Archery OSA
5 OctInterclub Challenge #1MGAC 
6 OctADAA Season Opening DayAuckland Archery ClubRegister via Archery OSA
12 OctThe Rockin RobinMGACRegister via Archery OSA
20 OctInterclub Challenge #2MGAC 
26 OctArchery Warehouse ChallengeAuckland ClubRegister on Archery OSA
10 NovInterclub Challenge #3MGAC 
23 NovInterclub Challenge #4MGAC 
Remember to check Archery OSA for Archery NZ target tournaments, and NZFAA (NZ Field Archery Association) for Field events. 

Keep In Touch

Have fun and safe shooting

Secretary, MGAC