Need To Know This Week

It’s Indoor Nationals at our indoor range all weekend

Good luck to all those shooting the Auckland Clubs Indoor Nationals at our indoor range this weekend. There are two flights each on Saturday and Sunday which means the range will be NOT be available for casual shooting at any time during the weekend.
Huge thanks to Kerry Hoole for masterminding this event.

Oceania Challenge on Sunday

The window to compete in the World Archery Oceania Challenge is nearly over. Archers have until the end of September to shoot their round and submit their scores on ArcheryOSA. With this in mind, the Young Adult training line is shooting this round on Sunday from 1pm. If any other club members would like to join, please turn up around 12.30pm so we can get everyone set up in a timely fashion.
Info on the Oceania Challenge can be found on Archery OSA here.

ADAA District Doubles

Auckland District Archery Association is running a fun tournament at MGAC on Sunday 19 October, 9am – 4pm. Details below…

Are you a husband and wife that shoot together? Parent and child? Siblings? Best friends?

Do you think you have what it takes to beat other pairs in the district? Are you prepared to work together to win the coveted District Doubles trophy?

Come along to Mountain Green Archery Club on Saturday 19 October with your parent/partner/buddy and shoot for the trophy ($20 entry per team). To level the playing field, Auckland District is providing bows and arrows – beginner’s wooden and plastic recurves (no sights) will be used.

If you have your own wooden or plastic recurve you’d like to bring along, let us know. You will be required to take the sight off. BYO armguards/finger-tabs if you have them, otherwise they will be provided for you.

9am                 Muster and Equipment Assignment
9.30am            Start Shooting (Short Queen Adelaide Round: 122cm target, 36 arrows at 30m & 20m)
12.30pm          Lunch (Fundraising BBQ will be on site) and fun event
1.30pm            Match Play for the Trophy
Approx.            4pm Prize-Giving
Medals will be won by the top three teams, with the Trophy to the winning team.

Entry form available here:

Are you in the RED?

It’s time to get your new sparkly red membership card – all you need to do is re-sign and pay your fees for the new year. Just look for the renewal email, or go TidyHQ, and log in using the email address and password you used when you joined the club.

Once you have renewed, your card will be at the clubhouse the week following. My label maker is getting a good workout!  You’ll also receive a new code for the indoor range – note the current code will continue working til the end of the month.

At The Club This Week

Saturday 21 September
9am – 10.30 Beginners’ Course (5 lanes)
1 – 3pm Club Shoot brought to you by keyholder Nuala Edmundson
INDOOR RANGE: Auckland Clubs Indoor Nationals all day – NO casual shooting

Sunday 22 September
9 – 10.30am Youth Line (12 lanes) – limited space for casual shooting – be there by 9am 
11 – 12.30 MAGS Line – (12 lanes) – limited space for casual shooting – be there by 11am 
1 – 2.30  WA Oceania Challenge
INDOOR RANGE: Auckland Clubs Indoor Nationals all day – NO casual shooting

What’s On in The District

17 June-29 SeptIndoor League SeriesAll ClubsDetails on Archery OSA
21/22 SeptArchery NZ Indoor Nationals – Auckand ClubsMGACRegister via Archery OSA
22 SeptWA Oceania ChallengeMGAC 
5 OctInterclub Challenge #1MGAC 
6 OctADAA Season Opening DayAuckland Archery ClubRegister via Archery OSA
12 OctThe Rockin RobinMGACRegister via Archery OSA
19 OctADAA District DoublesMGACRegister here
20 OctInterclub Challenge #2MGAC 
26 OctArchery Warehouse ChallengeAuckland ClubRegister on Archery OSA
10 NovInterclub Challenge #3MGAC 
23 NovInterclub Challenge #4MGAC 
Remember to check Archery OSA for Archery NZ target tournaments, and NZFAA (NZ Field Archery Association) for Field events. 

Keep In Touch

Have fun and safe shooting

Secretary, MGAC