ADAA Season Opening Shoot
Mountain Green is hosting the ADAA Season Opening Shoot THIS SUNDAY (1 October). Come along, have some fun with your archery mates, and celebrate the start of the season.  See this flyer for more info (and all will be explained on the day).  If you need the access code for the gate (for accessilibity reasons) please text Sarah on 021 2244575.

9.30amWelcome, and first arrow of the season 
10am (approx)Start Shooting
12.30pm (approx)BBQ lunch

We would be very grateful to anyone who can come along from 8.30am to help set up, and/or stay afterwards to help pack down. Big thanks to those who have already offered.

Field Champs
Well done to all the hardy MGAC archers who braved the weather last Saturday for the annual MGAC Field Champs. Held at the very scenic Massey Archery Club in Kumeu, the event saw archers shoot from bridges, down hills, over lakes and more. See full results here and a few photos from the event on the MGAC Facebook page here (thanks to photographers Andrew Fong, Emma Ala’alatoa Dale, and Janis Blake).

Calling all Barebowers! Barebow Tuning Course
MGAC member and champion barebower Kerry Hoole is running a Barebow Tuning course at MGAC on 29th October from 1 pm to 4 pm. This is for Barebow archers who have been shooting for more than six months and will cover a range of tuning methods including checking limb alignment, centre shot, matchstick tuning, bare shaft tuning, walk back tuning, plunger tuning and more. 

Just $20 for MGAC members, and $30 for members of other clubs (to cover the MAC range fee).  See Archery OSA for full details and to enrol. Get in quick, this will be very popular! 

Have you renewed your membership for 2023/24? 
If you haven’t signed up for the new year, this will be your last MGAC newsletter! Don’t miss this little missive of archery joy in your inbox each week – make sure you renew your membership today.

Spring/Summer Tournaments
Last week we teased you with a promise of tournament dates for Spring and Summer. As we’ve been a bit busy this week sorting Sunday’s season opener, we’ll share tournament dates in next week’s newsletter. 


Saturday 30 September
1pm Club Shoot -brought to you by keyholder Clive Hudson
There is NO ACHIEVEMENT ROUND this week. 

Sunday 1 October
9.30am – ADAA Season Opening at MGAC
No Youth or MAGS/College Lines due to school holidays


EventLocation  DateMore info
Season OpeningMGAC1 OctoberDetails here
Club PrizegivingMGAC28 OctoberSave the date!
More Info to come
Barebow Tuning CourseMGAC29 OctoberSee Archery OSA
Youth Team Tournament  Shore16 December  Details here

Interested in tournaments? Regularly check Archery OSA for all tournaments across NZ.