mountain green archery club open day 2019

The Auckland District Archery Association is running a fun half-day tournament at Shore Archery Club on Saturday 16 December from 9am to 1pm. This is a fun target team event followed by a BBQ lunch. You may have seen this advertised in the MGAC weekly newsletter over the past couple of months.

If you enjoyed the MGAC Christmas shoot last weekend, you won’t want to miss this! There will be prizes for best costume, best team name and more. 

We are giving our incredible youth and MAGS line coaches a break after a big year, so if you think you might like to join in on Saturday, it’s up to you! Phone some friends, get your team together, and enter at this link.

ADAA always put on a great event, and this will be a fun way of extending the end of the youth shooting year. 

Go well, have fun, and safe shooting.