Contractors have now started work to repair the damage to the maunga (near Toroa Terrace) caused by the 2023 Auckland Anniversary Day floods. The committee has been working closely and collaboratively with the TMA’s contractor to ensure they can go about their work safely and our members are able to enjoy the use of our outdoor range and club facilities.
Here’s what you need to know
- The road to the tihi (summit) and the small carpark at the back of the range will be closed to vehicles and pedestrians on weekdays before 5pm. You will still be able to park in the main maunga carpark and walk along the path to access the club as normal. There will be fencing in this area to restrict “through” traffic but archery range users may walk through to reach the range using our usual path along the right side of the road.
- The contractors will be storing their equipment and fill in the corner of the range near the small carpark. A fence has been erected 3m from lane one to mark out this space.
- Please do not walk into the fenced-off areas or any areas under construction.
On weekends, and on Wednesdays to Fridays 5-7 pm (i.e. when contractors are not onsite) your access to the outdoor range, and use of safety signs, should be unaffected – use these just as they are now.
If you are visiting the range Wednesday-Friday before 5pm (i.e. when there is/may be contractor activity), here’s what you need to do
- Walk in to access the range as normal.
- Even if you cannot see any contractors present, please continue to follow these rules at all times as if they are there! Their work may stop and start.
- Organise your shooting lanes so that at all times you are minimising risks to contractors, and remain aware of their movements. They know not to approach or interfere with shooting activities, but we want to help support their work to occur as quickly as possible.
- Avoid using lanes 1-2 if possible. If the range is full, these lanes may be used but only to shoot distances less than 50 m.
- Please be extra-vigilant about walkers and dogs approaching from the right side of the range. Remember (as always) to avoid using lanes 14-15 at all times unless the rest of the range is full (all other lane gaps have been filled in) in which these may only be used for short distance shooting. It’s tempting to set up here but let our Outdoor Range Rules be your guide!
- Safety signs should still be used as normal but the rope barrier is not required (as there will be two closed gates/fences in the way). The ‘welcome’ sign at the small carpark entrance is not required as you won’t be able to reach the area.
- If you require vehicle access to the small carpark during weekdays for mobility purposes, please let us know well ahead of time as we will need to organise this in advance with the contractor team. Email or talk to any committee member.
- If you are conducting maintenance work on the range during weekdays, be aware you will need to walk from the main carpark. If this isn’t possible, head along after 5 pm when you will be able to drive onto the range as usual.
- Please do not walk into the fenced-off areas or any areas under construction.
The contractor expects this work to take around 8 months to complete, and the committee will continue to collaborate with them over this period.
If you have any questions, have a look at the information on the TMA website here, reply to this email, or chat to any member of the MGAC committee.
Ngā mihi
MGAC Committee