Updated 24 March 2022

Operating Guidelines

COVID Red light

Mountain Green Archery Club operates under the COVID-19 Protection Framework (CPF or “traffic lights”). To ensure we can shoot safely together, please follow the guidelines below.

These guidelines apply during the Red level of the COVID-19 Protection Framework.

On either range, at any time

  • If you are unwell, if a household contact is unwell, if you/they are awaiting a COVID-19 test result, or if you have any reason to suspect you have been exposed to an active case of COVID-19 in the past week, please stay home. If you have any symptoms of COVID-19 whilst at an MGAC range, please head home. Please protect yourself and others.
  • Masks must be worn at all times except on the shooting line. This applies when collecting arrows or when chatting with other archers.
  • Use hand and surface sanitisers when touching any items that are not your own.

Outdoor range

  • All outdoor gathering limits have been removed.
  • Vaccine passess are no longer required for any club activities or scheduled events from Mon 4 April 2022
  • Casual visitor archers/people being coached are welcome on the range (following our Visitor and Casual Shooting Policy).
  • Shared facilities and equipment can be used/accessed, with appropriate and frequent use of disinfectants. The toilet and sink will be available, and each user must disinfect surfaces after use. Coaches lending out club bows/equipment must ensure they are sanitised before and after use.

Indoor range

  • Vaccine passes are no longer required from Mon 4 April 2022
  • The door to the range must be left open when people are present inside the range, as a way to increase ventilation.


The committee requires that Vaccine Passes be provided by MGAC coaches and instructors who are delivering organised activities including group coaching, courses e.g. the beginner course, development programmes, and private group events. These must be produced (and noted in coaching records by a club official) prior to a coach undertaking their next coaching activity (such as teaching at the next beginner course, or helping at the youth development programme, or coaching at a private event etc).

Time to get shooting and reconnect together

Please continue to take the opportunity to reconnect with your archery mates.

If you have feedback or questions on these guidelines, you are welcome to contact Kelly Atkinson (President) or any committee member anytime, to reach the club through Messenger, or to provide anonymous feedback online.