Need To Know This Week

We’re on Summer Hours

Now daylight saving has started, we’re onto summer hours for the outdoor range.
* Weds, Thurs, Fri 10am – 7pm
* Weekends 9am – 5pm
* Monday and Tuesday closed.

Our hours of use are always available on our website: Home/Facilities/Outdoor Range Hours of Use 

Interclub on Saturday

Come and represent MGAC and shoot the Interclub Challenge this Saturday afternoon! Open to all archers, this is a Candian 900 (3 distances, 90 arrows). The top 9 scores will form the MGAC team’s scores submitted to Archery NZ to go up against clubs from all around Aotearoa.  More info – including distances – is on the Archery NZ website here.

No BAP This Week

If you’re a regular BAP-goer please note it has moved for this month only to 12 October. 

Indoor Range New Wall

The indoor range will be CLOSED from 4pm Friday 4 October, until 5pm Saturday 5 October for the demolition of our old wall and installation of the new one. 
Can you help? A small group of MGAC members will be onsite and would welcome more hands. If you can, please come along:
* Friday 4 October, from 4pm – demolish the current wall
* Saturday 5 October, from 7.30am – install the new wall
Bring timber construction tools – skill saw, pinch bar, crow bar, hammers, chisels, sledge hammers, impact drivers, drills etc.

Looking after your arrows and our butts – top tips from a top archer

With our new indoor range being installed this weekend, we asked club member and top archer Nuala Edmundson to share some tips about preparing for a shoot.

Looking after your gear, yourself, and our club equipment is really important.  Before you shoot any arrows, please check they are safe to avoid damage to your bow, injuries to yourself, or damage to our target butts. Check:
* carbon arrows are not cracked
* nocks not broken
* you have field points on the end of your arrows that are well glued-in.  

When points get stuck in our targets, it makes it dangerous for other archers to shoot at the same foam, as it can damage arrows. It’s also really expensive for you! 

NEVER use broadhead points at MGAC – they damage our targets and are likely to get stuck. They’re also dangerous to use on a target range. If you use broadheads at other ranges you must unscrew them, and screw in some nice, safe, field points before shooting at Mountain Green’s outdoor or indoor ranges. 


Saturday 5 October
1pm Interclub – all welcome
1 – 3pm Club Shoot brought to you by keyholder Meike Voigt

Sunday 6 October
No Youth, MAGS, or Young Adults lines due to school holidays 


5 OctInterclub Challenge #1MGAC 
6 OctADAA Season Opening DayAuckland Archery ClubRegister via Archery OSA
19 OctADAA District DoublesMGACRegister here
20 OctInterclub Challenge #2MGAC 
26 OctArchery Warehouse ChallengeAuckland ClubRegister on Archery OSA
10 NovInterclub Challenge #3MGAC 
23 NovInterclub Challenge #4MGAC 
Remember to check Archery OSA for Archery NZ target tournaments, and NZFAA (NZ Field Archery Association) for Field events.  


Have fun and safe shooting

Secretary, MGAC