Need To Know This Week
Indoor Range – we need your help!
Huge thanks to the small group of MGAC volunteers who spent all last weekend working on our new wall at the indoor range. It is a massive job that is taking more time than anticipated. If you know your way around tools, please come and lend a hand to get it finished (and bring tools!).
The more people who volunteer, the quicker the job will get done.
– Thursday 10 October from 6pm
– Saturday 12 October ALL DAY
– Sunday 13 October ALL DAY (if needed)
All going well, we will reopen the range with a small “woohoo we did it!” ceremony in the evening of Monday 14 October. Keep an eye on your email and our Facebook page for updates.
It’s BAP this week
It’s BAP this Saturday (rescheduled), our monthly opportunity for archers of all abilities to learn the steps in World Archery’s Beginner Award Programme. Come along for coaching and a chance to practice with others as you work towards your White, Black, Blue, Red or Gold Arrow. Please arrive by 10:30am. Later arrivals may not be able to join in the programme.
Interclub (again) this Saturday
Due to the postponement of a tournament we’re taking the opportunity to have another go at shooting the Interclub round for October. Meet Club Captain Emma at 1.30pm and get set up to start shooting at 2pm
If you shot Interclub last week but want to shoot it again, please come along. If you haven’t shot Interclub before (or couldn’t make it last weekend) come and give it a go!
There’s a rumour that Emma will also have lollies……
Open to all archers, Interclub is a Candian 900 (3 distances, 90 arrows). The top 9 scores will form the MGAC team’s scores submitted to Archery NZ to go up against clubs from all around Aotearoa. More info – including distances – is on the Archery NZ website here.
Interclub Shields
The Ryan, Fraser and Hamilton Shield InterClub Challenge Tournament is a postal-style tournament, and we are looking for awesome archers to represent MGAC! Information can be found here
The Ryan Shield is for Recurvers, Fraser Shield for Compounders and Hamilton Shield is for Barebow and Long Bow archers.
The round may be shot any time between 1 October and 30 November, with the results of the tournament held in confidence until the Shields are presented at the National Outdoor Championships next year.
If you are interested in representing MGAC by shooting for these shields please email our club captain Emma with your full name, your bow type(s) and mobile number. We will then create a FB messenger or WhatsApp group to coordinate the best times to shoot these.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Evening on the Maunga is coming
Our much anticipated end-of-year but start-of-season evening 720 series is back!
Schedule the dates in your diary now, and look out for the registration coming any day now to Archery OSA.
Get in quick, this series is popular! For more info see this snazzy flyer.
At The Club This Week
Saturday 12 October
10.45am BAP coaching
1 – 3pm Club Shoot brought to you by keyholder Geoff Sauvarin
2pm Interclub – all welcome
Sunday 13 October
No Youth, MAGS, or Young Adults lines due to school holidays
What’s On In The District
12 Oct | Interclub Challenge #1b | MGAC | |
19 Oct | ADAA District Doubles | MGAC | Register here |
20 Oct | Interclub Challenge #2 | MGAC | |
26 Oct | Archery Warehouse Challenge | Auckland Club | Register on Archery OSA |
10 Nov | Interclub Challenge #3 | MGAC | |
20 Nov | Evening on the Maunga RMT | MGAC | Coming soon to Archery OSA |
23 Nov | Interclub Challenge #4 | MGAC | |
27 Nov | Evening on the Maunga Major | MGAC | Coming soon to Archery OSA |
4 Dec | Evening on the Maunga RMT | MGAC | Coming soon to Archery OSA |
11 Dec | Evening on the Maunga Major | MGAC | Coming soon to Archery OSA |
18 Dec | Evening on the Maunga Matchplay MashUp | MGAC | Coming soon to Archery OSA |
Keep In Touch
- Keep an eye on the club Calendar and subscribe to the .ical link from your phone or tablet
- Club Facebook page
- Reach the club on Messenger or at
- Send anonymous feedback anytime
Have fun and safe shooting
Secretary, MGAC