Need To Know This Week

Clap, clap, it’s time for BAP!

This Saturday is BAP, our monthly opportunity for archers of all abilities to learn the steps in World Archery’s Beginner Award Programme. Come along for coaching and a chance to practice with others as you work towards your White, Black, Blue, Red or Gold Arrow.  Please arrive by 10:30am. Later arrivals may not be able to join in the programme.

Outdoor Working Bee 

Come and lend a hand at our working bee on Saturday 9 November from 11am. There’s lots of jobs for helpers of all abilities – from target maintenance, to clubhouse tidying, to groundswork.

Many hands will make light work – we look forward to seeing you there. 

Guy Fawkes Closures

As part of the Tūpuna Maunga Authority’s ongoing commitment to protect Auckland’s ancestral mountains, all Maunga will be closed between 6.00 pm and 7.00 am from Saturday 2 November to Tuesday 5 November, during Guy Fawkes.

These closures help safeguard the native flora and fauna, which can take years to recover from fire damage. Preserving these taonga and the mauri (life force) of the Maunga is very important.

Although this will not affect our access to the range during our permitted shooting times, it’s important we are all aware of what’s happening on the Maunga.

Congratulations MGAC archers in recent national and international tournaments

MGAC archers have been doing us proud in recent national and international tournaments:

Asia-Pacific Bowhunter Championships and NZ Bowhunter Nationals
Check out the impressive list of MGAC podium winners across multiple divisions in our recent Facebook post

Archery Australia National Target Champs
Congratulations Izzy Matthews who brought home several medals from this prestigious event.

AT The Club This Week

Saturday 2 November
9am Beginners Course (5 lanes)
11am BAP coaching
1-3pm Club Shoot brought to you by keyholder Nuala Edmundson

Sunday 3 November
9 – 10.30am Youth Line (12 lanes) – limited space for casual shooting – be there by 9am 
11 – 12.30 MAGS Line – (12 lanes) – limited space for casual shooting – be there by 11am 
1 – 2.30  Young Adults Development Group (3 lanes)

What’s On In The District

9 NovOutdoor Range Working BeeMGAC 
10 NovInterclub Challenge #3MGAC 
20 NovEvening on the Maunga RMTMGACRegister on Archery OSA
23 NovInterclub Challenge #4MGAC 
23 NovKen Leyman MemorialShoreRegister on Archery OSA
27 NovEvening on the Maunga MajorMGACRegister on Archery OSA
30 NovOne Tree Hill CupAACRegister on Archery OSA
4 DecEvening on the Maunga RMTMGACRegister on Archery OSA
11 DecEvening on the Maunga MajorMGACRegister on Archery OSA
18 DecEvening on the Maunga
Matchplay MashUp
MGACRegister on Archery OSA
18 JanThe Rockin Robin 2025MGACRegister on Archery OSA
Remember to check Archery OSA for Archery NZ target tournaments, and NZFAA (NZ Field Archery Association) for Field events.  

Keep In Touch

Have fun and safe shooting

Secretary, MGAC