Need To Know This Week

Achievement Round
Join the Achievement Round this Saturday during the club shoot. Free for any MGAC member, it’s a great way to grow in confidence extending your distance.  The Shoot is 72 arrows (12 ends of 6 arrows) and you start at your closest comfortable distance. Once you’ve met the achievement score (see below), you can progress to the next distance the following month. Ribbons are free to MGAC members once you meet the achievement score. 

Distances shot: 30m, 40m, 50m, 60m, 70m, 80m, 90m 
Target Face: Barebow/Longbow/Recurve 122cm 
Compound 80cm @ 30/40/50m, 122cm @ 60/70/80/90m 
Achievement Scores:  Barebow/Longbow – 400  |  Recurve – 500  | Compound – 600

College Sport at MGAC
MGAC hosted one division of the College Sport archery competition this Wednesday, with around 20 barebow archers from several schools shooting at our range. We will host this every Wednesday until 20 March from around 3.30pm to around 5.30pm. There is space for casual shooting alongside. MGAC is proud to join Auckland Archery Club, together hosting around 250 high school age archers for this competition.

Clout Club Champs is coming
The Clout Club Champs is on Sunday 3 March at Rutherford College. This will be a great opportunity to practice clout for anyone shooting it at the Nationals, and for any archer of any experience to join in. It’s pretty much the only time archers are allowed to shoot arrows into the air, so give it a go! Details and registration here.

At The Club This Week

Saturday 24 February
9am Beginners make up session (4 lanes)
1pm Club Shoot brought to you by keyholder John Way
1pm Achievement Round 

Sunday 25 February
9am Youth Development (9 lanes)
11am MAGS Development (8 lanes)
1pm MAGS Beginners (5 lanes)
NO Young Adult Development Line this week

What’s On In The District

EventLocation  DateMore info
Archery NZ Outdoor League SeriesMGAC (and all home clubs)Weekly to 11 MarchSee Archery OSA
National Field ChampsRiver Glade Archers Field Range23 – 25 FebruarySee Archery OSA
MGAC Clout ChampsRutherford College3 MarchRegister here
North Island ChampsTauranga Archers9 & 10 MarchSee Archery OSA
Interclub ChallengeMGAC16 March 
National Target ChampsHamilton29 March – 2 AprilArchery NZ here
Interested in tournaments? Regularly check Archery OSA for all target tournaments across NZ, and NZFAA (NZ Field Archery Association) for Field events.

Keep In Touch

Have fun and safe shooting

Secretary, MGAC