Congratulations to our members!

You have been achieving excellent results in NZ and overseas! Recent successes include:

Trans Tasman Challenge

Ranking round:

Gold for Thornton Wallberg in the under 16 men’s recurve
Gold for Nuala Edmundson in the under 21 women’s recurve
Silver for Jaeda Ala’alatoa-Dale in the under 16 women’s recurve
Silver for Lily Brislen in the under 21 women’s recurve
Silver for Akuhata Norman-Hewlett in the under 18 men’s compound
Bronze for Isabella Matthews in the under 21 women’s recurve

Individual matchplay division one (under 21 and under 18 combined):

Mens Compound silver to Akuhata Norman-Hewlett
Women’s Recurve bronze to Nuala Edmundson

Individual matchplay division two (under 16 and under 14 combined):

Men’s Recurve gold to Thornton Wallberg
Women’s Recurve bronze to Jaeda Ala’alatoa-Dale

Mixed team matchplay:

Jaeda Ala’alatoa-Dale, Thornton Wallberg , and Zac Campbell won division 2 (under 16) recurve
Nuala Edmundson, Chisora Hada, and Ben McLean won division 1 (under 21 and under 18) recurve
Akuhata Norman-Hewlett, Hector McNeilly, and Logan Dittert won division 1 compound

The NZ team at the Trans Tasman Challenge. Photo by River Glade Archers

North Island Championships

Clive Hudson – tournament Director of Shooting
Fleur Maggs – Development Women’s Recurve champion, silver in individual combined novice and development matchplay, silver in team combined novice, development, and barebow matchplay with Ian Roberts
Kelly Atkinson – Open Women’s Recurve champion, silver in individual combined recurve matchplay
Max Maggs – U21 Men’s Recurve silver medallist, silver in recurve team matchplay with Thomas Ponnet and Iain Hamilton
Samuel Holmes – U21 Men’s Recurve champion, bronze in recurve team matchplay with Syan Armstrong and Bruce Byron

Samuel Holmes and Max Maggs at the North Island Championships. Photo by Gianni Stitchbury

The World Archery Oceania Championships are on at the moment – keep an eye out for results in next week’s update, and good luck to all who are shooting.

At the outdoor range this week

  • Saturday 15 April 10:30am – Beginners’ Awards Programme (BAP). Come show your skills and earn your next arrow badge! This is suitable for all levels. All members are welcome and we particularly encourage new and developing adult archers to take up this opportunity. Youth archers can also access BAP opportunities during our youth programme on Sundays during school term times.
  • Saturday 15 April 1:00pm – weekly club shoot – thanks, Fleur Maggs!
    All members are welcome to come and shoot. Share targets and try a new distance or meet someone you haven’t shot with before. There are many rounds you could practice during this time such as the ADAA 600 Round (30 meters on any of the target face sizes), the Interclub Challenge round (55, 45, 35 meters or shortened versions), or a round of your choosing.

MAGS and Youth development programmes will recommence on Sunday 23 April.

Keep an eye on the club Calendar and remember you can subscribe to the .ical link from your phone or tablet so can easily find updated information.

Coming up soon

With the last few outdoor tournaments wrapping up, many people focus on indoor shoots. If you haven’t been to our indoor range recently, give it a go!

Interclub Challenge – next Saturday 22 April

This is the last round for the ’22-’23 Interclub Challenge.
Everyone is welcome to take part. Come and shoot the Canadian 900 round (details here) any time *on this date* when the range is available; just make sure the round is witnessed and send a copy of the scoresheet to (or leave the scoresheet for Meike to collect).
Each month we need a minimum of 9 members to shoot the round to stay in the nationwide competition. This is often a struggle to achieve so we encourage all of you to PLEASE make time to shoot on this day. We also have a separate Facebook group for members who shoot this often – please let us know if you would like to be added to this group.

Club Clout Champs – Sunday 28 May

ALL MEMBERS INVITED to the 4th annual Club Clout Championships!

All MGAC members are encouraged to participate, regardless of age or ability.  This event will take place on a Sunday and as such will replace the Youth and MAGS lines for the day.

Sunday 28 May – Clout Championship @ Rutherford College, Kotuku Street, Te Atatu Peninsula
Entry Fee is $10 per person to cover the cost of hiring the venue
Entry Form –
Rounds to be shot: Practice Clout starting at 10:00am followed by Clout Champs
Expected Finish: 4PM
See the attached flyer.

Your feedback is important

We now have over 230 members! We are growing each year. With so many members it is important for you to have your say. What do you want from your club?

You can reach the club on Messenger, send an email to the club Secretary ( or any committee member, or use our anonymous feedback form.

We always need more help to keep the club going. There’s a lot that happens behind the scenes, from tidying items left in the outdoor clubroom to replenishing target faces to repairing equipment to coaching (a massive contribution!) to organising our beginner courses to revising policies to coming up with programmes that get you to come to a range and shoot. No one person (or small group of people) can do this alone and any help you can provide is always appreciated. Have a chat and please help where you can.

Safe Shooting!!!!