Picture of target

Need To Know This Week

Archery NZ Outdoor League

Are you interested in shooting in an informal, no pressure league, at Mountain Green, but competing with other archers around the country? The Archery NZ Outdoor League could be for you! Starting from 25 November, it’s a 15 week league, where you shoot 36 arrows, at a 30m distance, on an 80cm face. You can shoot it any time during the week – you just need another member to verify your scoresheet. There’s no cost, but you do need to register – go to Archery OSA for all the details and to sign up. 

Evening on the Maunga Now Underway

Our first Evening on the Maunga tournament was on Wednesday – a beautiful calm evening which made a wonderful showcase of our range. Many thanks to all those who helped organise and set up tournament. Check out the photos on our Facebook page here.

The next event is Wednesday 27 November, then 4 December, 11 December and the last event on 18 December. These events are pretty much sold out so the range will not be available for casual shooting from 3pm until close on Wednesdays.

The LOC (local organising committee) would love extra helpers, so please contact Emma on clubcaptain@mgac.org.nz if you can lend a hand at one or more of the events.

Tertiary League

The last results for the year – term four – are due shortly. You have until Saturday 30 November to shoot the round and leave your scoresheet for Jan in the Tertiary League drawer in the clubhouse. Distances and pinscores are up on the club noticeboard. The Young Adult group will be shooting the round on Sunday 24th Nov 1pm if any archers want to join in. More information on the Tertiary League is on the Archery NZ website here.

Have you joined our WhatsApp community?

If you haven’t signed up to our WhatsApp community, don’t delay! We are bringing our various chat/message groups together under one MGAC community on WhatsApp. Please check your emails for details.

We encourage all members to join the groups related to the indoor range, outdoor range, and the general discussion group.

If you have questions or feedback, contact the Committee at info@mgac.org.nz or refer to our IT Manager, Kelly (best reached on WhatsApp at 0212109765).

At The Club This Week

Saturday 23 November
9am Beginners Course (5 lanes)
1-3pm Club Shoot brought to you by keyholder Sarah Newcombe

Sunday 24 November
9 – 10.30am Youth Line (12 lanes) – limited space for casual shooting – be there by 9am 
11 – 12.30 MAGS Line – (12 lanes) – limited space for casual shooting – be there by 11am 
1 – 2.30  Young Adults Development Group (3 lanes)

What’s On In The DistrICT

23 NovKen Leyman MemorialShoreRegister on Archery OSA
27 NovEvening on the Maunga MajorMGACRegister on Archery OSA
30 NovOne Tree Hill CupAACRegister on Archery OSA
4 DecEvening on the Maunga RMTMGACRegister on Archery OSA
11 DecEvening on the Maunga MajorMGACRegister on Archery OSA
18 DecEvening on the Maunga
Matchplay MashUp
MGACRegister on Archery OSA
18 JanThe Rockin Robin 2025MGACRegister on Archery OSA
18/19 JanDon Finnegan Memorial ClassicLakeviewLakeview Archers
15 FebDevious Double 2025AucklandRegister on Archery OSA

Remember to check Archery OSA for Archery NZ target tournaments, and NZFAA (NZ Field Archery Association) for Field events.  

Keep In Touch

Have fun and safe shooting

Secretary, MGAC