Picture of target

At the club this week

22 July – No Sat Club Shoot : Come along to the AGM at Ferndale House (details below).

  • Sun 9am Youth line & 11am MAGS line  Welcome back after the school holidays.
  • Keyholders can open the range at any times during our leased hours. To keep up with this please see our MGAC Outdoor Range Availability group on Messenger.

NOTE: with the unprecedented rain we have had this year and a very wet summer, the outdoor range is VERY saturated.  Please be careful on the ramp with muddy shoes and try to be mindful about the amount of mud that is tracked into the clubhouse.
GUMBOOTS Highly advised on the range!!!

Keep an eye on the club Calendar and remember you can subscribe to the .ical link from your phone or tablet so can easily find updated information.

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING : 22 July 2023 (Saturday), 1pm

The Annual General Meeting of the Mountain Green Archery Club Incorporated will be held on Saturday 22 July 2023 at 1pm at Ferndale House, Main Room, 830 New North Road, Mt. Albert.

We encourage all members and families to attend.  Before the AGM starts, we will serve a light lunch, giving us a chance to have some social time before getting down to business.  

Reports will be circulated or tabled at the meeting for discussion.

Current (paid) Senior, Non-shooting, and Junior members aged 16 or over can vote on any motion.

Election of Officers and Committee Members

The MGAC Committee is elected during the AGM.  Committee membership includes attending one meeting per month plus contributing to discussions electronically (email, messenger). Committee roles are described in further detail here. All positions are open for nomination. Any member can nominate or second a candidate for a committee position. This may be done in writing to the Secretary prior to the meeting, or verbally at the meeting. As previously advised via email from President Kelly Atkinson, several long-standing committee members will not be seeking nomination this year, so please consider putting yourself forward for nomination. 

You must be a current member to be elected. As we are a registered charity, candidates for all committee positions must meet the requirements of the Charities Act 2005. In brief, you must be 16 years or over, not be an undischarged bankrupt, and not have a conviction for dishonesty. Check the Charities rules here (see “To qualify” section).

●  Officer positions – President, Secretary, Treasurer, Club Captain (if required: Vice President, Records Officer, and Equipment Officer): Candidates must have been a club member for a minimum 2 years or have been on the committee in the past for 1 year.

●  Committee members – up to four additional people who can be Senior, Junior, or Non-shooting members. No membership length requirements.

If you are interested in these positions but do not meet the membership length requirements, please do indicate your interest as the new committee may co-opt members to positions after the AGM.

Can’t attend the AGM?

You can nominate another member as your proxy, to vote as you direct. Please fill out the proxy form online. If you have specific voting requirements, please discuss them with the member prior to the AGM.

You can still send through officer/member nominations/seconds, and can be elected to these even if you cannot attend the AGM.

If you have any questions about the AGM, please reply and we can help.

We are looking forward to seeing you on 22 July.


Well done and thank you to everyone who attended the Club Indoor Champs on Sunday. It was a full lineup for 3 flights at our fantastic indoor range.

Keep in touch

Safe Shooting!!!!