All the latest club news including Achievement Round on Saturday, Archery NZ Outdoor League, Evenings on the Maunga, and Facebook Messenger Groups have closed.
All the latest club news including Archery NZ Outdoor League, Evenings on the Maunga, Tertiary Leagues and are you on WhatsApp yet?
All the latest club news including a big thank you to everyone who helped at the Working Bee, Evenings on the Maunga are starting, and our Facebook messenger Groups are closing soon.
All the latest club news including Working Bee on Saturday and Interclub on Sunday. There's a handy hint on using the Indoor Range in Summer, and a plea for help from Christchurch Archery Club.
All the latest club news including BAP this weekend, Outdoor Working Bee next weekend, Guy Fawkes Maunga closures, and MGAC Archers doing well...