shooting archery mountain green mt albert

Nice shooting this term, Mountain Green Archers! I am about to send in the results for the Archery NZ Archery in Schools league and the ADAA Postal League. There are some very nice scores being entered. Fingers crossed we have a pile of certificates coming back our way very soon.

No training over the holidays
We are now on a break from archery training until Sunday 23rd July. The reason for this is that the Club’s Indoor Champs are being held on Sunday 16th July, and you are all encouraged to enter. The cost is $10 and you can sign up here. If you do want to compete but are unsure which division to enter, select Novice and our Club Captain will work it out for you. If you don’t want to compete in the Indoor Champs, you get an extra Sunday off.

Indoor Nationals
For those of you going to the Indoor Nationals, we are eight weeks away from it. You should try and shoot at least twice a week, but preferably three times a week by now if you can.  Also, you need to be doing two days of general strength training per week.  We need to be building up our training schedule. You should also have entered the Club Indoor Champs and/or the ADAA Indoor Champs as part of your lead-up.  Both would be great, but at least one is necessary. If you feel you need a break from archery and/or you are going away, one week off is fine, but two weeks with no practise is not ideal this far out from the Nationals.

We will see you all after the holidays,
Jan, Paul and Ross