At the club this week
Sat 6 May 1pm Club Shoot keyholder: Vinny McCartney
- Indoor Range Working Bee – 9am start: The Indoor Range is in need of some tidying, bales need rotating and the shooting wall needs repacking.If you are a regular user of the Indoor range we hope that you will come and help out on the day!!
Lunch will be provided. If you want to help but need transport, please let me know and we can arrange a carpool from the outdoor range.
- Sat 9am – Public Beginner Course – Note this is a public booked course (not for members), however the range will be open at this time for members who want to shoot alongside.
- Sat 11am BAP Advancement Program – for all those who are looking to progress their archery and skills from the beginner line out to further distances, this is a great monthly training opportunity.
- Sun 9am Youth line & 11am MAGS line
- Keyholders can open the range at other times during the week and evenings. To keep up with this please see our MGAC Outdoor Range Availability group on Messenger.
Keep an eye on the club Calendar and remember you can subscribe to the .ical link from your phone or tablet so can easily find updated information.
In The News
Check out the Trans Tasman Challenge on this news programme from the ABC!
On the last day of TT, a news crew from the ABC’s Behind the News visited the tournament and interviewed NZ archer Isla Parsons, along with Toby from the Australian team. Check it out and see if you can spot some familiar faces (The archery item starts about 20 minutes in).
CONGRATULATIONS to Nuala Edmundson and Akuhata Norman-Hewlett for your selection to represent NZ at the World Archery Youth Championships to be held in Limerick, Ireland
Well deserved!! You have both worked hard for this and we know you will represent NZ and MGAC with pride.
As you may know, archers are self funded and required to carry most of the expenses for attending events (nationally and internationally). As such Nuala has set up a give a little page for fundraising. If you can please share amongst your networks and help get Nuala to Limerick.
Coming Up
Club Clout Champs – Sunday 28 May

ALL MEMBERS INVITED to the 4th annual Club Clout Championships!
All MGAC members are encouraged to participate, regardless of age or ability. This event will take place on a Sunday and as such will replace the Youth and MAGS lines for the day.
Sunday 28 May – Clout Championship @ Rutherford College, Kotuku Street, Te Atatu Peninsula
Entry Fee is $10 per person to cover the cost of hiring the venue
Entry Form –
Rounds to be shot: Practice Clout starting at 10:00am followed by Clout Champs
Expected Finish: 4PM
See the attached flyer.
Oceania Postal Challange
Club Shoot on Sat 13 May, 10 June, 24 June
The Oceania Challenge is a free international competition for archers in Oceania to take part in without leaving the country, and a fun way to round out the season before we all head indoors.
This is open to all Archery New Zealand Members (now part of your club membership) and can be shot at any club ground during the month of May/June.
You may compete more than once but only one result may be submitted.
Full guidelines are available for your reference.
Please ensure you have entered the event via ArcheryOSA.
Short Round (for people who have been in archery for 12 months or less or have never shot further than 40m):
Modified WA 900 Round: 30 arrows shot from each of the 40m, 30m, 20m distances on a 122cm target face. Also known as Junior Canberrra Round.
Barebow Round (for everybody else shooting Barebow):
Barebow WA 900 Round: 30 arrows shot from each of the 50m, 40m, 30m distances on a 122cm target face. Also known as Short Canberrra Round.
Long Round (for everybody else):
WA 900 Round: 30 arrows shot from each of the 60m, 50m, 40m distances on a 122cm target face. Also known as Canberrra Round.
Keep in touch
- Club Facebook page
- Reach the club on Messenger or at
nz - Send anonymous feedback anytime
Safe Shooting!!!!