Range Key Information:
After six months of membership in the club, Senior or Non-shooting members may apply for an outdoor range key. This key opens the driveway chain and clubhouse doors and locks, allowing range use anytime during available hours. Keys may be used by other eligible household members according to the Outdoor Key Policy.
Keyholders are required to open the club on a Saturday afternoon 2+ times each year.
View the Saturday club shoot roster here, and put your name down.

Application Process:
Requesting a key requires the form below and an application process, including payment of a $120 fee ($20 key cutting fee, plus $100 refundable deposit). The fee is payable through TidyHQ (requires member login).
All key applications are decided on a case-by-case basis by the club’s committee.
MGAC Outdoor Key Request/Agreement Form
Household members must also fill out this form to agree to the declarations below.
Declarations by keyholders:
Keyholders must agree to the following declarations using the MGAC Outdoor Key Request/Agreement Form.
Applicant Declaration – regarding the request process
I understand that I am not guaranteed a key by making this request. The request will be reviewed by the committee and evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Should I be granted a key, I must agree to the following declarations. Any other Senior/Non-shooting members in my household who wish to use the key must also agree to these conditions prior to any such use of the key.
Keyholder Declaration – Regarding the expected behaviour and use of the key
While I am at the range, I am its custodian and I may be seen by the public as a representative of the club. It is my responsibility to follow all safety regulations, range rules, relevant policies, and the MGAC constitution including any subsequent changes made to them (available on the website and noticeboard in the clubhouse). In particular, I will sign in and out of the attendance book on every occasion I use the archery club facilities and remind others to do so. I will interact politely with members of the public. If any unusual/untoward interaction should happen, I will record, sign, and date the specific details in the club Incident Book. I will ensure all required range materials are put out properly and packed away securely when I leave, unless another keyholder is present and agrees to take this responsibility.
I understand that this key is the property of MGAC and that I am the named keyholder with primary responsibility for the key’s use. I may lend it to other Senior or Non-shooting members within my own household who have agreed to this declaration, but I will not lend it to, or enable its use by, any Junior or Associate members or anyone outside my household. I must return the key when my need ends, if my membership status changes to no longer comply with MGAC’s Key Policy, or if I am requested to do so by the MGAC committee.
To assist the club in making the range and facilities available for all of its members, I will open the club during a scheduled Saturday afternoon club shoot periodically (approximately two or more times during each membership year). If I cannot open the range as scheduled, I will use my own best efforts to find a replacement so the club shoot can proceed.
I understand violations of any of the above may lead to loss of my key deposit, and/or my suspension or termination as a club member.