Need To Know This Week

No time to nap, this Saturday is BAP!

This Saturday is BAP, our monthly opportunity for archers of all abilities to learn the steps in World Archery’s Beginner Award Programme. Come along for coaching and a chance to practice with others as you work towards your White, Black, Blue, Red or Gold Arrow.  Please arrive by 10:30am. Later arrivals may not be able to join in the programme.

Do you like a bit of DIY? We need you!

We’re forming a club maintenance crew to work on maintaining our targets, looking after our grounds, general clubroom upkeep. If you’d like to be part of this group to help as and when you can, please join the “MGAC Maintenance Crew” in our WhatsApp community. 

We’re also looking for a volunteer armourer who can keep an eye on our club bows, arrows, and gear, undertake repairs (re-fletching arrows for example), and let the committe know when something needs replacing. If you’d like to give back to your club by taking on this role, please email

Holiday Youth Shoot & Prizegiving

Our Holiday Youth Shoot and Prizegiving is 10am on Sunday, open to all MGAC youth archers. The emphasis is on fun at this shoot with themed targets, prizes for best dressed (and great shooting), and shared kai. We’ll also crank up the Christmas tunes! 

Please bring some yummy treats to share for morning tea, dress ups (if you want) and plenty of good cheer!

Interclub this Sunday

Don’t miss this Sunday’s Interclub round, with first arrows at 2pm.

Open to all archers of all ages, Interclub is postal competition between clubs across the motu. The shoot is a modified Candian 900 (3 distances, 90 arrows). The top 9 scores will form the MGAC team’s scores submitted to Archery NZ to go up against clubs from all around Aotearoa.  More info – including distances – is on the Archery NZ website here. Come along, it’s a fun shoot, a great way to meet other members, and there’s lollies….

Reminder: Evenings on the Maunga

Three down, two to go! We continue to enjoy amazing weather for our Evening on the Maunga series (here’s hoping that sentence hasn’t jinxed us!). 

The next events are 11 and 18 December which means the range will not be available for casual shooting from 3pm until close on these Wednesdays.

If you have registered and can no longer attend, please give plenty of notice to, so someone on the waiting list can take your place. 

MGAC members successes at One Tree Hill Cup

Many MGAC members braved the rain last weekend at the One Tree Hill Cup at Auckland Archery Club.

See our full event report, including MGAC podium winners (so many!) on our Facebook page here.

At The Club This Week

Saturday 7 December
10.45 – 12.30 BAP Coaching
1-3pm Weekly Club Shoot open to all members, brought to you by keyholder Geoff Sauvarin

Sunday 8 December
10am – 1pm Youth Holiday Shoot and Prizegiving (sorry, no casual shooting this time)
2pm Interclub Shoot – all welcome

What’s On In The District

11 DecEvening on the Maunga MajorMGACRegister on Archery OSA
18 DecEvening on the Maunga
Matchplay MashUp
MGACRegister on Archery OSA
18/19 JanThe Rockin Robin 2025MGACRegister on Archery OSA
18/19 JanDon Finnegan Memorial ClassicLakeviewLakeview Archers
15 FebDevious Double 2025AucklandRegister on Archery OSA

Remember to check Archery OSA for Archery NZ target tournaments, and NZFAA (NZ Field Archery Association) for Field events.  

Keep In Touch

Have fun and safe shooting

Secretary, MGAC